The photo is very funny because it is beautiful. For example: Why is a skeleton driving? Why does he have a phone in his hand? Why is he dead?
(Teresa Cazallo, Sergio Izquierdo y Mario Pulio, 1º ESO A)
He was driving and playing with the mobile phone and he crashed against a tree.
( Adrián Borrego, José Antonio Sánchez, 1º ESO A)
The skeleton driver raises from the dead to be the best race driver. People got scared when they saw him but he ignored them using his mobile phone.
(Aarón March, 1º ESO A)
Driving with your mobile will take you to death
(Jeremy Fructuoso, 3º ESO C)
What are you doing with that if you don’t use it?
(Silvia Sánchez, 3º ESO C)
On long trips, stop for half an hour and take a soft drink.
(Ginel Molea, 3º ESO A)

In this jpicture a man with a finger in a socket and a light bulb in his mouth appears, the bulb is on. This means that the body conducts electricity.
(Antonio González, 3ºESO A, Manuel Antúnez y Tomás Martín , 3º ESO C)

In this picture we can see many men dressed up as fruit. This image is very funny and weird.
(Rosana Grosu y Andrea Dávila , 1º ESO A)
In this photo five men appear dressed up as fruit. It is a funny photo.
(Laura Granja y Jesús Remesal, 1º ESO A)
Men dressed up as fruit look ridiculous. They are dressed from head to toe. The banana is tall and ugly.
(Cristina Parra , 3º ESO B, y Nazaret Muñoz, 3º ESO C)